
License Information

Certain states and municipalities require licensure of monitoring firms. The following is a selection of some of the licenses maintained by Affiliated.

State License #
Alabama 2023/2024-000759
Arizona 23403-0
Arkansas CMPY.0002241
California 5796 / QM # 7683
Delaware (Burglar Alarms) 12-95
Delaware (Fire) CSRSL-0051
Florida EF20001321
Illinois 127001571
Maryland 23PLU-SS23122
Michigan 3601207041
Las Vegas, Nevada P64-00179
New Jersey 34BX00015500
New York 12000073560
Oklahoma AC440577
Oregon 4827LEA
Rhode Island 7350
Tennessee 375
Texas (Burglar Alarms) B20218
Texas (Fire) ACR-1763832
Utah 8562000-6501
Virginia 11-2201